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Lepton 符合《国防授权法》(NDAA),不受《国际武器贸易条例》(ITAR) 约束,是世界上产量极高的长波红外相机模块。Lepton 结构紧凑、经济高效,实现了热创新,已被数百万客户采用。Lepton 提供多种分辨率、四视场 (FOV) 选项,并且特定型号还提供绝对温度输出。

为了降低开发成本并缩短上市时间,Teledyne FLIR 不断改进 Lepton 的在线集成工具箱。应用说明、集成视频、快速入门指南,以及用于在 Windows、Linux、Raspberry Pi 和 BeagleBone 上进行测试的补充源代码可确保高效的集成。对于高级、大规模计划,技术服务团队可对 MyFLIR® 应用软件和图像增强 MSX®,以及 Vivid-IR™ 的许可提供支持。

Lepton 的低功耗、卓越的图像质量和集成支持可实现移动、小型电子产品和无人值守传感器的创新性产品开发,适用于智能建筑、火灾检测、占用跟踪、设备状态监控等。




Tau 2+®


Tau 2+ 在美国制造,且不受《国际武器贸易条例》(ITAR) 约束,是 Teledyne FLIR 先进、性能优异的 Tau 2 长波红外 (LWIR) 相机型号。它保留了广泛采用,并且在实际应用中得到检验的 Tau 2 机械、电气和光学接口,和现有设计之间可以实现即插即用。其全新的 1.5× 灵敏度改进和完全重新设计的图像处理引擎可显著增强场景的对比度和清晰度。

Tau 2+ 是适用于具有挑战性环境的明智之选的热像仪模块,包括远距离探测微小、难以被发现的目标。增强的 LWIR 热成像性能和备受市场青睐的可靠性可实现短期和长期的低风险开发,使其成为无人载具、安防应用场景和热像瞄准具的理想相机模块。

Tau2+ 是一种 OEM 相机模块,其设计的初衷是集成到更高级别的系统中。

Mini-Core HRC

Midwave Infrared (MWIR) Cooled Camera Module

The FLIR Mini-Core HRC mid-wave camera core is available in multiple configurations, making it extremely OEM-friendly. 300Z comes with continuous optical zoom; 460T comes with three lenses that are instantaneously remotely interchangeable depending on whether you need to see far, middle distance or near; if your application calls for a consistent field of view, then you can select fixed, interchangeable lenses; or, you can select a lens-less core wherein you implement your own optical path.



FLIR µCore-275Z中波红外热像仪机芯为OEM提供极为紧凑的交钥匙制冷型机芯解决方案。µCore-275Z在3-5µm波段运行,重量轻盈,可轻松集成到像机载万向架这样的小型产品中。

LWIR Zoom Lens Assemblies

Lenses for Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR) Cameras for 8-14 µm

Teledyne FLIR custom and off-the-shelf long-wave infrared (LWIR) continuous zoom (CZ) optical assemblies and lenses are for integrators and operators who do not compromise on quality. All lens assemblies have near diffraction limited performance and include advanced features that ensure continuous focus through the zoom.

Formerly New England Optical Systems (NEOS) and now part of Teledyne FLIR, the world-class technical services team provides product support and can also develop new or customize existing lens assemblies for a camera, application, and mission. Designed to maximize infrared-camera performance, the LWIR CZ lens assemblies provide the competitive advantages required in the field and marketspace for a wide range of defense, security, and commercial applications.



FLIR Tau® SWIR可在不同成像和光照条件下,提供出色的短波红外画质和性能。该产品是理想的OEM SWIR成像模块,适用于超谱仪、硅晶检测、光电有效载荷、艺术品修复和便携式成像等应用场合。Tau SWIR 热像仪拥有 FLIR 的 640×512 高分辨率、ISC1202 铟镓砷化物(InGaAs)、15μm 像素间距焦平面阵列(FPA),同时配备丰富的高级热像仪控制功能。

Tau SWIR 热像仪将于 2022 年 12 月 30 日停产。所有 Tau SWIR 配置的支持服务将持续至 2025 年 6 月 30 日。

Boson Development Board (250-0705-00)

A breakout board is available for Boson users and integrators that need easy access to the Boson I/O and interfaces. This board is designed for development purposes, and is not intended or rated for long-term reliability over temperature. Improvements from the original breakout board (SKU 250-0593-00) include exposing the data_valid signal for CMOS video, selection for the power input while using USB (USB or externally supplied power through banana plug), and external sync input/output.

Boson Lens Focus Tool (261-2609-00)

A Boson lens focus tool is an accessory needed to change the focus of wide field of view lenses.

FLIR Lepton® Breakout Board v2.0

The FLIR Lepton® Thermal Camera Breakout Board is an easy-to-interface evaluation board to quickly connect the FLIR Lepton camera module to common platforms like RaspberryPi* or custom hardware. It provides onboard power supplies, generated from 3 – 5.5V, and a master clock. Local power supplies, the master clock, and the power-up sequence components can all be bypassed using a jumper.

Lepton sold separately.

*Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This product is not designed or qualified for production use.

Neutrino SX8 配件板

实用套件可向单个开发电子电路板提供 Camera link 和 HDMI 视频输出。该套件包括用于摄像头和冷却器电源的线束。Neutrino SX8 摄像头电子元件的通信和电源通过连接虚拟 COM 端口的 USB 驱动程序提供。外部同步输入/输出信号通过标准 MCX 连接器提供。我们为 RS-422 镜头的控制提供了牛角连接器。